Thursday, August 27, 2009


I know how I said I wouldn't bother you with things of my opinion but, this needs to be said. Nothing makes me sigh as much as as movies with no plot and or characterization. The same can be said for all media as well. my problem with movies like Final Destination and 2012 is that they don't have plots that hold your attention or characters you care about in fact in Final Destination you know there all going to die and the entire plot is just a series of death scenes that are much less than creative and also very repetitive none are particularly shocking or is any moment scary by anyone's measure. Another thing is the death scenes are always violent and predictable plus the thing I have the biggest problem with is the plot of the series. How do these people see the future, they couldn't before the movie, why now? also why does "Death" want these people dead right then doesn't "Death" know that will all die eventually so whats the rush? Also I believe if they were meant to die there they couldn't have avoided it, if it's not there time it's not there time.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree about wanting my movies, TV shows, etc. to have a plot. Very nice entry!
