Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What I May Have Left Out
What else happened March 27,2010 that I left out? Oh! after we played that shooting game for an hour we decided to play some other games for about five minutes because these games were no fun, then I suggested that we go down to best buy for no reason the gang agreed so off we went down the side walk from Malco to Best Buy we arrived at best buy and had to leave five minutes later in order to get our tickets for Hot Tub Time Machine. On the way back started running ahead for no reason in his actual Indiana Jones hat so I started singing the Theme to Indiana Jones and the other two guys I was with joined in and that was pretty funny to us at the time. Then his hat blew off and into the street I told he not to get run over in a joking fashion then once he returned with said hat I remarked on him running into the street in the first place. then we got the tickets for the second movie we were going to see. I enjoyed that day for it was the first time in a while that I had spent a whole day just hanging out a doing stuff. I usually work or just sleep so I had fun that day like I hadn't in a long time.
Shoot 'em Up
Right after we saw How To Train Your Dragon and before we bought our tickets for Hot Tub Time Machine the four of us that went played a little arcade game in the lobby for about an hour and spent over $30 in quarters that one of us had brought. In the game you are supposed to save a variety of places from terrorist trying to take it over. It is a shooting game that only two could play a time so we went into an awkward rotation before dividing up into teams. We shot at terrorist as if we were John McClane from Die Hard. Me and Zack got into perfect police stance to fire at those evil fiends, but Mitchell shot very oddly and with his left hand even though he is right handed and Daniel shot up those terrorist just like a gangster. We had a lot of fun doing that, so much fun in fact we lost track of time a how much money we had spent in this machine. It wasn't until later that we figured out it had been an hour and that we had at least spent $30. It sure was fun I can tell you that and I know we annoyed the people who worked there like crazy during that hour, and I'm fine with that.
Hot Tub Time Machine
Before I mentioned I went and saw Hot Tub Time Machine in theatres now I will talk more about it. First off I must say that this movie is funny but, is not for everyone. I enjoyed watching this movie with the group I was with we all got a good laugh out of it. It had some pretty funny moment like when the main characters try to inspire their friend to win a fight with a jerk that keeps beating him and the inspiring talk doesn't help and he still gets beat by the jerk that was pretty funny. All in all I like this movie but, would not recommend to everyone has the majority of the humor is profane and not fit for younger and more conservative audiences.
How to Train Your Dragon
I mentioned before that I saw the movie How To Train Your Dragon in theatres on march 27, now I would like to talk about it. It was an interesting film that is for sure because I was actually willing to get up and leave the house to see it, which doesn't happen often. My critiquing of this movie begins with the negatives. It was a bit cliche for my taste, the story of a son trying to impress his father and of trying to understand another culture as been done to death. Also in the movie the main character loses a foot toward to end without much plausible explanation as to why. Now the positives, besides the fact that the story is cliche it's still rather good and is presented in a manner that was appealing to me as well as to the other I saw it with. Also about the foot, despite the fact that I don't know exactly how it happened I love the idea of the main character losing a piece of himself literally. Which fits since his dragon who also lost a body part much earlier in the film. To me for them to have the major character go through what he did and not come out unscathed has a deeper message that makes this movie more than just another family movie with a happy ending. In short I like this movie and recommend it to anyone I see.
Monday, April 12, 2010
March 27, 2010
A date which will live as a day of fun and funny in the history of me and the others involved. We, and by we I mean me and three friends went to the movies this day to see two movies, How To Train Your Dragon and Hot Tub Time Machine. First we saw How To Train Your Dragon which was a good movie I recommend it then we played a shooting game in the lobby for an hour and spent well over 30 dollars in quarters in that machine. After that we walked to best buy for no reason and got a laugh out of Daniel's hat. Then we saw Hot Tub Time Machine which was also good and I talk more about these movies later, but I'm out of time for now.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Why 3D?
As you may or may not have noticed 3D movies are becoming more frequent and popular in recent times. As to why is a question I ask myself quiet often, in fact it's everyday now because one of the movies i want to see this weekend is in 3D and proudly boasts it's extra dimension in the ads for it. Yes from Avatar to the new Clash Of The Titans remake 3D movies are getting more attention. Some would say it's because of advances in technology and that 3D is the future. It's as though people have forgotten that 3D films has been around as far back as the 1890's. Many remember 3D as a cheap effect to bring in teenage crowds to movies in the 1950's. One of my favorite comedy album's by Weird Al is called Weird Al in 3D which I have mentioned before in this blog, The reason is because back in the 1980's 3D was seen for what it is another poor effect to desperately bring in the wow crowd. I have even heard of Sony now selling TVs with 3D technology so you can enjoy the cheesing effects at home. It's obvouis that I am not a fan of 3D and never will be so to me this is funny and sad at the same time. And when you put on those goofy glasses, sometimes over a pair your already wearing, in order to watch these films all I say is Why 3D?
A while back I mentioned that I would be seeing two movies in the near future, How To Train Your Dragon and Hot Tub Time Machine. I would now exactly when I would be going by now if it wasn't for Malco Theatres. I have visited Malco.com for days and even now they still have not posted the showtimes for Friday yet which is when both movies come out. I am supposed to bring a lot of people to see both of these as part of a last big thing to do before I graduate but, I can't tell these people when to go because the showtimes are still not available. so right now I'm not to happy with Malco and I wish they would post the showtimes sooner rather than later. Well I'm going to check Malco.com again to see if maybe now they have it up, so see ya.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tomorrow which is Saturday is a busy day for me. It's filled with homework and blood tests. I got a lot of work due Monday that I need to really get done on Saturday and not after. That plus I have to have the blood drained from my body in the name of science, which is fun. So tomorrow is going to jam packed with stuff I'd rather not do and have been avoiding. Getting myself to magically start to be concerned tomorrow is going to be interesting, so I will leave you since I have a Saturday to worry about.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Interesting movies
There are two movies coming out on Friday march the 26th which I think a pretty interesting and would like to check out. The first being a family movie, which are generally not my thing but, this one looks interesting though it's been done before. That one being How To Train Your Dragon. The next being on the opposite end of the parent approval rating as it rating is R and not PG like How To Train Your Dragon. This one is called Hot Tub Time Machine, and like I always say if you have a time machine why not have it be a hot tub too. I hope that they are both good, because I don't like to waste my money on bad things, like disappointing movies. Few things make me angrier than disappointing movies. I also plan on packing the theater with a good old fashion bring everyone you know to the movies day either on Friday or the day after they come out, because I like to have my seat at the movies and not just a seat.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
About Last Blog
If you could read it then bravo, you're pretty smart. I thought I would mix things up try to confuse someone. Hopefully someone is very confused and I've done my job well, and also hopefully someone got it right and showed me up and made me look stupid instead of the other way around. And if so then bravo again to those who got it right. My hat's off to you for being so smart.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
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Movie Watching
Last weekend I got a lot of movies, 8 to be exact, one 30 minute Robot Chicken Star Wars special, both Shanghai movies, District 9, Tremors and Tremors 4, Starship Troopers, and the Mummy Returns. In order to make sure that they worked me and my dad went on a movie watching spree that started with Robot Chicken Star Wars on Saturday and ended with Starship Troopers on Sunday. Most of these movies I haven't seen in a while and it was good to revisit them. My dad really liked Starship Troopers, my favorite though was Robot Chicken Star Wars since it is Really funny.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
That Boy Could Dance
Back in 1984 "Weird Al" Yankovic released in first album "Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D With hilarious song like Eat It and I Lost On Jeopardy the album is quite the laugh even now. I have the album and every time I play it everyone gets a huge laugh and I say everyone because our record player in the living room and yes we have a record player that works and still use, crazy right? Also obviously that means I have the actually album and not a CD. There is one song on the album that I really like and I believe it should be in the running for our graduation song, that song is That Boy Could Dance. This song is one of the funniest things I've ever heard and you have got to listen to this song. I personally recommend you look it up on Youtube. I would put a link to it here but, I don't know how to do that so look it up listen to it and try to understand why I would what this as a graduation song.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Seventh use of Prompt
What makes me laugh? Well a lot of things do, anything from Weird Al songs to people being hit with sticks. My since of humor can be "clean" but, I do mainly laugh at the "other" kinds of jokes. I do like some "clean" humor as a mentioned like Weird Al and some older children's shows. I also like "other" kinds of humor Like ATHF, South Park, and Robot Chicken.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sixth use of Prompt
The best reasons for doing nothing are putting off boring of hard tasks, it's easier than doing something, it requires less thought than doing something, sleeping is easier when doing nothing, it's more fun then it seems, there are fewer responsibilities when doing nothing, and it's got many un seen benefits that few understand or could even try to understand.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Fifth use of Prompt
sorry, maybe, sure, oh yeah, when pigs fly, when penguins fly, when I grow a tail, maybe when you do what I said for you to do, "laughs", "moans", whatever, why?, yeah right, "shakes head", and when you die are all ways to say NO.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Forth Use of Prompt
Who has a lot of homework with little time or desire to complete it, is tired, preoccupied by many things, wants some food, likes TV, dislikes school, wants to take a nap, hates romantic comedies and has a hard time coming up with blog ideas?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Another New Game
Last week on Tuesday I got yet another new game and since I am at a loss for what to write about I will write about it. It is a sequel to a game that I already have. It is a very nice game just like the first one and I can't wait to get home a play it since it is so fun. Also I would like to watch those shows I got last week as well. Anyway I have to think of more senior prank ideas so I will be prepared for what needs to be done.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Speed Blogging
I thought I should finish my monthly quota by talking about it. This month you required us to have ten blogs by the end of the month and as you can see this is my fourth today. I have been speed blogging to fit my quota today so I won't have to worry about it any longer. I have other things to worry about. Other homework especially and if you are taking comments on this months blogging I have one having a blog quota above the number of days in that class is not good, in my opinion, but you do what you need to you are in charge after all.
Unexpected Snow day
There was a very unexpected snow day yesterday and I would like to tell you how I spent it. First I woke up thinking What? then I went to sleep again when I found out that we were off for the day. Then I had to fill up the car and I went a brought a game that came out that day and will play soon. Next I went to the doctor's office for an appointment around 3:50pm. Then I went the store with my mom to get stuff for eating, which I think is important. And that's what I did yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
Birthday Money
I want to talk about what I did with my birthday money here. I went to look for two very specific things a game and the entire series of a show. I found neither, but I did find a few other things that I did end up buying that I never really thought about buying. I found first the first four volumes to a different series than the one I was looking for also I bought the movie based on that series. Then I went to a different store and bought two movies that I already had on tape, but who uses tapes so I had to get them on DVD which will probably be replaced soon to but whatever. anyway that's how I spent my birthday money and my Sunday.
Birthday Party
Well thank God my birthday party was very good and much better than last Friday. Last Saturday was my birthday party and it was fun we had chocolate cake and cookie cake plus ice cream. One of my friends that hasn't been over in a while showed up and we had fun. I got a lot of money which I spent the following day, but I will talk about that in the next blog. anyway birthdays are awesome and I like chocolate cake.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Guess what today is, obviously it's my birthday. And oh boy has today been fun. I mean that in the most sarcastic of ways. First I had problems getting up this morning, but that's typical for me. Next I had to set through a meeting in the auditorium which took forever. Then I was forced to watch that awful Pearl Harbor movie in government. Then I realized I forgot my English binder today because I left it in my other backpack when I brought it to study hall yesterday to finish it and most recently an have been having a hard time doing this Blog because of all the distractions in this class right now as I write. So today has been a great birthday for me. (clear sarcasm)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Yesterday instead of doing the homework which I received I looked up something fascinating. At first it was just a mild interest in a show that I preceded to find out more about on wikipedia. After an hour I left content with the information I had obtained then no time later I was back on the Internet looking up more info. Then I left again once again content with what I had learned, but I was drawled back again like a very powerful magnet or a black hole or something. Then I was absolutely hooked and now I really want to get a game I found about the show because it's just looks great. Any way I wanted to ask if anyone else has had an experience like this because I would find that very odd.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Another Lull
Well sadly again I have entered another difficult writing period. I just can't think of much to write about so I suppose I will go over what's going on around here right now. School is back in session after some snow days, but I've already written about that, another three day weekend is upon us this time due to MLKjr. day. I wonder what people do to celbrate such an occasion. What are we suppose to do any way? I think we should get cake since it is the man's birthday after all and I think he would have wanted us to have cake. If only because cake is good. I like cake. Oh my birthday's coming up aswell on the twenty second. I find it interesting that my birthday is so close to his, I'm not sure way I think that but I do. Well sorry for boring you and rambling on about nothing, of course it's just what I do when I'm in another lull.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm awful at it or good at it whatever the term that is used to describe doing it a lot. I put off more things than some people can can even get so I know what it's like to rush things at the last minute. Some call it lazy and I would agree others say it's part of your personality I would agree with that as well. I procrastinate so much that all the homework I got yesterday I haven't started on yet, in fact I will probably end on doing all the rest of these blogs for my class the day before they are do. Me and my procrastination boggle my mind, I can't really understand it. So I ask a question why is it that people like me do it when all it does is hurt ourselves?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Snow Days
We just got back from the weekend which was filled with snow. As you know both Thursday and Friday of last week we were off because of inclement weather. Which led to a four day weekend, a three day school week, and me freezing in my room not able to move. I should mention my distaste for the cold. I just wanted to comment on how much I hat the cold, but I think snow days are okay so it's a bit contradictory.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Awesome Christmas
Just a few weeks ago I received an awesome gift for Christmas the album which I have talked about before the Metallica - Master of Puppets album. I can hardly explain the joy felt we I recieved the said item of audio enjoyment. It just was awesome... enough said. It is Metallica after all and that was why this Christmas was an awesome Christmas. I wish I could right more but now I'm listening to the album so I got to go and enjoy my gift so I hope your Christmas was as awesome as mine.
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